Recent 60 Minutes
Become a Master by learning from the Masters
Compact video chess courses from top trainers: in just 60 minutes you will learn everything essential about a specific topic! Free of charge with premium account! Otherwise buy for 9,90!
The Ragozin Carlsbad Structure
If you're looking to expand your opening knowledge with a modern, cutting-edge approach, the Ragozin Carlsbad is a must-have addition to your repertoire.
The Modern Sicilian Surprise - 5...h5!? in the 2…Nc6-Sicilian
A cutting-edge Sicilian weapon, this variation has only gained traction since 2021, yet it has already caught the attention of elite players, including Magnus Carlsen.
The Funky Löwenthal Variation
Whether you’re looking for thrilling attacks, or steady positional play, the Löwenthal Variation has more to offer than meets the eye.
The delayed Alapin
Looking to surprise your opponents and sidestep the well-known Sicilian defenses? The Delayed Alapin offers a unique way to cut off many standard variations, making it an ideal weapon even against top-level players, including Grandmasters.
Basic Pawn Structures
In this “60 mins” video course, IM Andrew Martin takes the viewer through a series of excellent games, demonstrating how pawn structures work, and the typical rules of thumb a player should know when handling these structures.
Opening Surprise Weapons
This 60-minute course is a selection of exciting and practical openings that are both easy to learn and enjoyable to play.
How to counterattack
In this 60-Minutes, I present games which I have found instructive, while giving you insights and guidelines on how to counter your attacking opponent!
Fortresses you should know
Everything is based on concept and understanding rather than memorising. Once you understand the concept of a fortress, it will stay in your mind. Let's unlock the mystery of the fortress now!
Unlock the Power of the Old Benoni
This approach is perfect for players who thrive on deep planning and subtle tactics, especially when facing aggressive or impatient opponents.
Counter the Nimzo-Indian Defence with Kramnik’s Winning Strategy
Former World Champion Vladimir Kramnik discovered a unique way to combat the Nimzo-Indian through an alternative move order: 1.Nf3 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.g3/Qb3
Master the Modern: the breathtaking Beefeater Variation
Unlock the excitement of the Beefeater Variation (1.d4 g6 2.c4 Bg7 3.Nc3 c5 4.d5 Bxc3 5.bxc3 f5?!) in this 60-minute video course! Dive into an aggressive and daring strategy where Black gives up the dark-squared bishop early.
Unlock the Power of the Triceratops System
The Triceratops system is an ancient and dependable strategy, requiring White to prepare for only three potential reactions from Black—significantly less work compared to preparing for the Grünfeld and King's Indian defences.
Dominate the Scandinavian Defence: Expert Strategies for White
With the help of GM Luis Engel you'll discover how to secure an advantage for White against the different Scandinavian setups like Qa5, Qd6, Qd8 and Nf6 on move 2.
Dominate the Pirc/Modern Defence: Expert Strategies for White
With the help of GM Luis Engel you'll discover how to secure an advantage for White against the Pirc (1...d6) and Modern Defence (1...g6).
The surprising Meadow Hay Gambit
What looks like a clear mistake (hanging your rook on move 2), can turn out to be a powerful weapon to surprise your opponent. Let Robert Ris introduce you into the subtle strategies!
A weapon against the Grunfeld Defence
With the move 7.Qa4+, Kotyk presents a simplified variation that requires less theoretical knowledge, yet still offering strong attacking potential. You will learn how to respond effectively to your opponent's moves, and steer the game in your favour.
The reinvented Ulvestad Variation
After 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Ng5 d5 5.exd5 - try the move 5…b5!? and catch your opponent off-guard with the Ulvestad Variation!
The incendiary King’s Indian after 4...Bf5
The aim of the sideline 4...Bf5 in the KID is crystal-clear: Black doesn't want to see 5.e2-e4 on the next move and is probing for their opponent's intentions.
Brilliant tools to improve your Tactics
There are many brilliant combinations in chess that were invented by giants of the past. Now it's your turn to bring them to your own games!
The Popov Variation against the Taimanov
One of the easy, sharp and semi-rare options is the Popov variation. It starts with 6.Be3 a6 7.Qd2, which seems like white is intending to go for an English Attack set-up, but then after 7…Nf6 8.f4 will follow, the Popov variation.
The golden rules of chess strategy
This “60 Minutes” is aimed at providing the reader with a guide to positional and strategic play in the middlegame.
The Kupreichik Sicilian
The Kupreichik starts with 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 Bd7. It is a flexible move, as it doesn’t tell white much about the set-up black will choose. Most often black goes for a Dragon or a Classical Sicilian set-up.
A remarkable weapon against the Sicilian
You will see throughout these videos that some outwardly logical follow-ups by Black may indeed lead to an objective white edge.
Simple and Modern Anti-Grünfeld Variation 5.Bd2
5.Bd2 against the grünfeld offers a solid and exciting repertoire. White delays the immediate e4 and simplifies the resulting variations.
5.Nge2 against the King’s Indian Defence
The Hungarian variation provides white an attacking plan against the KID. With 5.Nge2 White will play 6.Ng3, close the centre with d5 after …c5/…e5 and start playing on the kingside for an attack.
The Grivas Sicilian
In this 60 Minutes video course you will learn the ins-and-outs of the Grivas Sicilian which starts after 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Qb6!
Adhiban Gambit against 1.c4
After 1.c4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.Nf3 e4 Black is giving up a pawn. By sacrificing the e-pawn, Black gains a lot of time harassing the white knight and seizes the initiative in the centre.
The Delayed Jaenisch
Looking for some action against the Ruy Lopez? The Delayed Jaenisch, arising from the moves 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 f5, will be your choice from now on!
A dangerous weapon against the Caro-Kann
We refer to the line that begins 1 e4 c6 2 Nf3 d5 3 exd5 cxd5 4 Ne5!? There are various ideas associated with this move; tricks on c6 and f7, the reinforcement of the knight with f2-f4 leading to White kingside pressure, the annexation of the two bishops.
The surprising Glek Four Knights
On this 60 minutes video, we will cover a surprise weapon known as the 'Glek' Four Knights with 4.g3, named after inventor, Grandmaster Igor Glek. This is an excellent anti-Petroff device, perfectly sound and can come as a shock to the unprepared.
The Refreshed Evans Gambit
In “The refreshed Evans Gambit”, you will find a small opening repertoire with new ideas in the Evans Gambit. The Evans Gambit is a positional pawn sacrifice in the opening, to create a strong bind or even a quick attack.
The Sharpest Italian
In The sharpest Italian white will play an early Bg5 and most often black replies with …h6, Bh4 g5. Because of this, black’s king is open, and they don’t have a clear spot for their king. In return the bishop is temporarily locked up on g3.
Fighting for the initiative with the Schara-Hennig Gambit
In the Schara-Hennig Gambit black sacrifices a pawn and in return he gets a lead in development. From that point on black has two options. Playing against white’s king or trying to prevent white from developing.
The Stonewall Attack
The Stonewall Attack (d4 followed by e3 and possibly f4) is an old-fashioned opening, almost forgotten, not thought to give White any advantage at all. Yet it still packs a punch and is not so easy to defend against. It is especially good for club players
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Surprising your opponents with the lazy sicilian
Svitlana Demchenko
62 MIN
For Black: Play a surprising, easy to learn Sicilian Sideline: with 2...e6 and 4...Bc5!?
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Markus Ragger
95 MIN
Play with 4.Qxd4 and aim for a Maroczy bind setup with solid pressure
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Attacking the french with 3.Bd3
Robert Ris
66 MIN
Weapon for White vs. French Defence: Sidestep French Main Lines: 3.Bd3 is a sound yet tricky weapon for White
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The Stafford Gambit
Robert Ris
71 MIN
Want a surprise weapon against 1.e4? Try the Stafford Gambit! Black sacrifices a pawn, enjoys free development
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My favorite opening traps
Simon Williams
67 MIN
Entertaining attacks and sacrifices! Simon Williams shows his favorite opening traps.
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The Bishop Pair - Pro and Con
Sergei Tiviakov
74 MIN
Let an experienced GM teach you the very important practical knowledge of how to play with or against the bishop pair!
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A modern approach vs 2...e6 Sicilian
Jan Werle
77 MIN
Try 3.b3 vs. 2...e6 Sicilians to get a comfortable position with White without having to learn much theory
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The Gashimov Variation
Lawrence Trent
67 MIN
For White: Meet the Sicilian with 2.Nc3 and 2...d6 with 3.d4!? cxd4 4.Qxd4
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Norwegian Defence
Georgios Souleidis
64 MIN
The Norwegian Defence is a surprise weapon against the Ruy Lopez. Only few players know this rare variation with an early ...Na5!?
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A sharp slav 1
Andrew Martin
81 MIN
A sharp Slav Black repertoire: 1 d4 d5 2 c4 c6 3 Nc3 with the modern & combative 3...dxc4!
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A sharp slav 2
Andrew Martin
67 MIN
Sharp Slav with 1 d4 d5 2 c4 c6 3 Nf3 dxc4!? a rare and ambitious line for Black
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The sizzling Scotch Gambit
Lawrence Trent
82 MIN
Weapon for White vs. 1...e5: Fight for the Initiative with the Scotch Gambit
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Arkhangelsk Variation
Adrian Mikhalchishin
62 MIN
Weapon for Black vs. the Ruy Lopez: Try the ambitious Arkhangelsk Variation with b5 & Bb7
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The Beliavsky Plan
Adrian Mikhalchishin
58 MIN
Weapon for White vs. the Stonewall: Understand how to fight the Stonewall
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Nadezhda Kosintseva
66 MIN
Don’t get surprised by the Löwenthal! A White Repertoire vs. this Interesting Sideline in the 2...Nc6 Open Sicilian Variation with 5...a6
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The Ne2 Caro-Kann
Lawrence Trent
82 MIN
Lead Caro-Kann players into unknown territory with the Ne2-Variation (1.e4 c6 2.Ne2)!
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Das sizilianische Qualitaetsopfer auf c3
Luis Engel
26 MIN
Spielen Sie Sizilianisch? Erweitern Sie Ihre Motivkenntnis & lernen Sie das Qualitätsopfer auf c3 kennen
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The Fort Knox Variation
Lawrence Trent
88 MIN
Frustrate White with the Fort Knox! This variation in the French Defence is a solid and easy-to-learn system against 3.Nd2 or 3.Nc3
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The Elephant Gambit
Andrew Martin
67 MIN
Shock your opponents with the Elephant Gambit! A very aggressive opening with lots of tricky lines
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A solid scandinavian surprise
Andrew Martin
69 MIN
Are you looking for a time-saving solution against 1.e4? A simple but very solid idea in the Scandinavian, used even by Magnus Carlsen
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Developing the initiative
Timur Gareyev
142 MIN
07905EA 01 Intro and Gareyev v Kamsky
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Let's go with the Bogo
Sagar Shah
44 MIN
Play the Bogo-Indian (1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 Bb4+) and put pressure on White’s center immediately with the move 7…d5!
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The Kasparov Gambit
Andrew Martin
62 MIN
The Kasparov Gambit is the ideal choice for must-win situations with Black!
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Critical Moments
Adrian Mikhalchishin
70 MIN
Learn how to make the right move in crucial moments! The renowned coach Adrian Mikhalchishin will teach you how to recognize critical moments
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The modern trend - the strategical opening exchange sacrifice
Adrian Mikhalchishin
70 MIN
Improve your chess! Learn how to give up material for time and development. Early exchange sacrifices became popular in modern chess.
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Anti-Bayonette-Attack in the King's Indian
Mihail Marin
73 MIN
Stop the Bayonete-Attack in it’s tracks! Think on your own in strategic positions, with the Anti-Bajonete-Attack with 9…a5!
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The Austrian Attack against the Pirc Defence
Valeri Lilov
61 MIN
For White: Attack the Pirc with a strong pawn Centre 5.f4
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Nd7 in the Caro Kann
Markus Hochgräfe
80 MIN
Learn the 4…Nd7 Caro-Kann, which was successfully used by Karpov in countless games
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The Two Knights - A tricky repertoire for white
Andrew Martin
72 MIN
Trap your opponent in the opening! Learn a modern variation of the Italian game
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How to fight Queen's Pawn Openings
Valeri Lilov
63 MIN
For Black: Fight the popular London, Trompowsky, Colle & other Side Lines
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Ein giftiges Repertoire gegen die Aljechin-Verteidigung
Thomas Luther
60 MIN
A Repertoire for White vs. the Aljechin Defence with an early and active Bc4
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New ideas in the Najdorf
Daniel King
55 MIN
The most popular Sicilian Najdorf: Learn the latest developments, new ideas and updated lines in the sharpest Sicilian
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Safe and active with the Dutch Stonewall
Leonid Kritz
70 MIN
Black opening with safe and active play: Play the Stonewall! It is known to be a legendary defensive weapon
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An ambitious setup against the Benoni
Lubomir Ftacnik
56 MIN
Squeeze the Benoni Defence! Learn a promising opening system to put a lot of pressure on Black in the Benoni
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No need to fear the Qd6 Scandinavian
Dejan Bojkov
76 MIN
Learn a complete White repertoire vs. the Qd6 Scandinavian: The g3 variation is becoming increasingly popular
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Fighting for the initiative with the Fajarowicz Gambit
Robert Ris
71 MIN
Black Weapon: The Budapest Gambit - Try to spice it up with Ne4
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An effective way of meeting the 6.Ne5-Slav
Henrik Danielsen
62 MIN
For Black: Danielsen recommends the Slav and investigates 6.Ne5 Nbd7!?, and 7.Nxc4 should be followed by 7...Nb6
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Winning with the Fantasy Variation - Caro Kann under attack
Lawrence Trent
77 MIN
Lead Caro-Kann players astray! This tricky try (1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.f3) will take Black away from solid positions
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Kings Indian With g3
Adrian Mikhalchishin
65 MIN
Learn the most unpleasant variation for King’s Indian Defence players! Adrian Mikhalchishin teaches you an easy to handle plan
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Attacking the Semi-Slav with g3
Robert Ris
60 MIN
White weapon against the Semi-Slav! Robert Ris teaches you 5.g3, a simple but dangerous plan
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Fighting the Gruenfeld Defence with g3
Adrian Mikhalchishin
64 MIN
Akiba Rubinstein recipe - g3 system, fianchettoing the bishop to g2 vs. the Grunfeld: A very important positional approach vs. this dynamic opening.
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The Grunfeld Main Line
Lubomir Ftacnik
59 MIN
Playing for the Initiative: Play the Grunfeld - deepen your understanding in the Main Line
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The London System
Henrik Danielsen
63 MIN
For White: Play the solid & popular London System
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Middle game
Bishop against Knight
Adrian Mikhalchishin
71 MIN
01: Bishop against Knight 1: Zaichik,G - Mikhalchishin,A
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Slav with a6
Leonid Kritz
72 MIN
The Slav with a6 : A solid way to fight with the Black
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Being safe with the Berlin Wall
Leonid Kritz
64 MIN
For Black vs. the Ruy Lopez: 1...e5 Play it safe with the top-level favorite Berlin Defence
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End Game
The King in the center
Adrian Mikhalchishin
66 MIN
01: King in the center 1: Huebner,R - Beliavsky,A
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The Korchnoi Gambit against the French
Sam Collins
65 MIN
Play the Tarrasch-Variation 3.Nd2 with White vs. the French-Defence: A Repertoire with Ngf3!? which is a favorite of Adams
Coming Soon:
Robert Ris
The fast and the furious
Daniel King
Power Play Show
This week
Understanding before moving