Why not take time out and enjoy an hour of the finest chess coaching! In our “60 Minutes” series, some of the world’s strongest players and trainers explain classic opening systems. You will also find shorter videos on specific opening ideas and opening traps
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2.Nf3 d5 3.d3, 2.d4 d5 3.f3 - Fantasy Variation, 2.d4 d5 3.exd5 Exchange Variation
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The Triceratops system is an ancient and dependable strategy, requiring White to prepare for only three potential reactions from Black—significantly less work compared to preparing for the Grünfeld and King's Indian defences.
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This approach is perfect for players who thrive on deep planning and subtle tactics, especially when facing aggressive or impatient opponents.
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Merijn van Delft
The Game of the Week
This week
Robert Ris
The fast and the furious
This week
Daniel King
Power Play Show
This week
Understanding before moving