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Video-Schachtraining von Top-Trainern und Weltklassespielern für jedes Spielstärke. Jetzt auch als Streaming hier im Videoportal! Mit wenigen Klicks kaufen und sofort das Training beginnen!
The Black Sniper is back – sharper and deadlier than ever! This dynamic system (1...g6, 2...Bg7, 3...c5 against 1.e4, 1.d4 and 1.c4) creates unpredictable, high-pressure positions, leaving opponents struggling to adapt.
The King‘s Indian Attack is a universal opening: easy to learn, flexible, and rich in both tactical and positional opportunities.
The Ultimate Scotch Gambit - A Repertoire for Aggressive and Positional Players
Nico Zwirs
If you're looking to revamp your opening repertoire and surprise your opponents with powerful, modern ideas, The Ultimate Scotch Gambit is the perfect choice.
Meistern Sie die Kunst der Initiative - Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg in der Eröffnung
Christian Bauer
Unleash your chess potential with this dynamic course focused on mastering the initiative.
Which pieces are good, which are bad, and what can you do about it? Master this principle with this video course!
Die Taktikschule Band 5 – Mattmotive, die Sie kennen müssen!
Harald Schneider-Zinner
IM Harald Schneider-Zinner präsentiert in diesem Fritztrainer eine Vielzahl an klassischen und modernen Mattbildern – von einfachen bis zu komplexen Motiven.
The Modern Steinitz (1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 a6 4 Ba4 d6!?) is an uncompromising weapon that lets Black put White under pressure from the very start.
Lernen Sie Schritt für Schritt die Geheimnisse von Angriffsmotiven wie das Läuferopfer auf h7, das doppelte Läuferopfer, die Schwächen auf g7/f7 und Grundreihenmotive kennen. Anschauliche Beispiele und interaktive Übungen garantieren Lernerfolg und Spaß.
The Surprising Black Knights Tango - Unleash Winning Strategies as Black
Andrew Martin
After 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 Nc6!?, Black takes the initiative, luring White into overextending their central pawns, only to dismantle them with precise counterplay. The Tango is not just an opening – it’s a weapon, designed for players who want to win as Black
Spitzentrainer empfehlen das regelmäßige Studium gut erklärter klassischer Partien, um das Schachverständnis nachhaltig zu verbessern. In diesem Videokurs werden 33 moderne Klassiker präsentiert.
From Mating with a queen; a rook; two bishops; a knight and a bishop; to the basics of pawn endgames – here you will gain the necessary know-how to turn your endgame advantages into victories!
Vom Mattsetzen mit Dame, Turm, zwei Läufern, Springer und Läufer bis zu den Grundlagen der Bauernendspielen – hier lernen Sie das nötige Know-how um ihren Endspielvorteil in Siege zu verwandeln!
1.Sf3: Ein Reti-Grossmeisterkurs f�r strategisches Verst�ndnis und Flexibilit�t Band 1 - Fianchetto-Systeme
Felix Blohberger
In diesem Kurs vermittelt Großmeister Felix Blohberger ein komplettes Eröffnungsrepertoire für Weiß, das sich um den flexiblen Zug 1.Sf3 dreht.
1.Sf3: Ein Reti-Großfmeisterkurs für strategisches Verständnis und Flexibilität Band 2 - Klassische Systeme
Felix Blohberger
In diesem Kurs vermittelt Großmeister Felix Blohberger ein komplettes Eröffnungsrepertoire für Weiß, das sich um den flexiblen Zug 1.Sf3 dreht.
1.Nf3: A Reti-Grandmaster course for strategic understanding and flexibility Vol.2 - Classical Systems
Felix Blohberger
In this course, Grandmaster Felix Blohberger delivers a complete opening repertoire for White, centred around the flexible move 1.Nf3.
1.Nf3: A Reti-Grandmaster course for strategic understanding and flexibility Vol.1 - Fianchetto Systems
Felix Blohberger
<p>In this course, Grandmaster Felix Blohberger delivers a complete opening repertoire for White, centred around the flexible move 1.Nf3.</p>
Understanding Middlegame Strategies Vol.10 - Caro-Kann Advance Variation
Ivan Sokolov
Instead of focusing on a rigid repertoire, the course presents key games, important strategic ideas, and opening knowledge to equip you with the essential tools to outmanoeuvre your opponents.
Understanding Middlegame Strategies Vol.11 - King’s Indian Structures
Ivan Sokolov
This course will enhance your understanding of the King’s Indian Defence. Perfect for anyone looking to improve their opening strategy, reduce mistakes, and develop a winning game plan.
Mastering piece setups in various pawn structures and transitioning to a dominant middlegame, this course equips you with the insight and flexibility to outmanoeuvre your opponents in the Closed Catalan.
Unlock the secrets of one of the most resilient and strategic openings in chess with our comprehensive video course, “The Caro-Kann Defence.”
Das Neo-London-System bietet viele neue, kreative Möglichkeiten, um Ihre Gegner schon in den frühen Phasen der Partie vor ernsthafte Probleme zu stellen.
“Dynamic Play” is your ultimate guide to mastering aggressive strategies and dominating the board. With practical tips, exercises, and game analysis, you’ll gain the skills and confidence to outplay any opponent.
Unlock the secrets of one of the most resilient and strategic openings in chess with our comprehensive video course, “The Caro-Kann Defence.”
This course isn’t just another addition to your chess library—it’s the definitive guide to elevate your endgame play. From fundamental principles to advanced techniques, “Practical Endgames” covers every aspect of endgame strategy.
The Neo-London System offers many new, creative possibilities to present your opponents with serious problems in the early stages of the game.
Über 250 Beispiele in drei Schwierigkeitsstufen: So haben Sie ein umfassendes Taktiktraining mit 5 Stunden Videolaufzeit. Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit, Ihre taktischen Fähigkeiten zu testen und zu perfektionieren.
Revealing Modern Grandmaster Secrets Vol. 2 – Calculation, Countering & Defence, Positional Play and the King
Nicholas Pert
This isn’t just another chess tutorial—it’s your all-access pass to the strategies, insights, and techniques that define modern grandmaster play.
Revealing Modern Grandmaster Secrets Vol. 1 – Attacking the King, Opening Ideas and Initiative
Nicholas Pert
This isn’t just another chess tutorial—it’s your all-access pass to the strategies, insights, and techniques that define modern grandmaster play.
Die Französische Verteidigung - Eine chancenreiches und solides Schwarzrepertoire gegen 1.e4 Band 2
Michael Prusikin
Dieser zweibändige Videokurs bietet Ihnen ein vollständiges und zuverlässiges Repertoire für Schwarz gegen 1.e4. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit der Französischen Verteidigung erfolgreich kontern und Ihre Gegner überraschen können.
Die Französische Verteidigung - Eine chancenreiches und solides Schwarzrepertoire gegen 1.e4 Band 1
Michael Prusikin
Dieser zweibändige Videokurs bietet Ihnen ein vollständiges und zuverlässiges Repertoire für Schwarz gegen 1.e4. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit der Französischen Verteidigung erfolgreich kontern und Ihre Gegner überraschen können.
Have you always wanted to play the Sicilian as Black, but been discouraged by the abundance of options for White? Here is the solution to becoming a lifelong successful Sicilian player!
Looking for a realistic way to play for a win with Black against 1.e4 without taking unnecessary risks? The Taimanov Sicilian is a reliable system, and hence one of the best options out there!
In almost every chess game there comes a moment when you just can’t go on without tactics. You must strike to not giving away the advantage you have worked for the whole game.
In this video course, kings will play a role of strong and active pieces. We will explore how Kings can be helpful in defence and prophylaxis, or even in attack!
In nahezu jeder Schachpartie kommt ein Moment, in dem es ohne Taktik einfach nicht weitergeht. Man muss zuschlagen, denn nichts ist ärgerlicher, den herausgearbeiteten Vorteil aus der Hand zu geben!
Doesn’t every chess game get decided by mistakes? Absolutely. But most players never truly comprehend that they are making the same kind of mistakes over and over again.
On this all-new ChessBase video course, IM Andrew Martin introduces you to this exciting world, so that you can begin playing the Sicilian in your own games. The main themes and ideas of the Open Sicilian are discussed.
We boldly confront the Caro-Kann Defense with the upcoming move 1.e4 c6 2.Nf3 d5 3.d3!? With this highly strategic choice, we disrupt Black’s typical patterns and comfort zones and enter an early endgame full of chances for you.
In this video course, experts including Dorian Rogozenco, Mihail Marin, Karsten Müller and Oliver Reeh, examine the games of Boris Spassky. Let them show you which openings Spassky chose to play, where his strength in middlegames were and much more.
Knights add irrational content to any position. However, in this video tutorial you will learn how to tame them.
Ein Expertenteam aus vier internationalen Titelträgern zeigt Ihnen strategische Meisterleistungen, wegweisende Endspielmanöver und mustergültige Kombinationen im Videoformat und zeigt die Glanzpunkte der Karriere von Boris Spassky.
In this video course we will explore in depth some familiar concepts regarding the bishops. For example, everyone knows that a bishop-pair should grant him a positional edge.
A practical repertoire for the positional player after 1.d4 Vol.3 - Other Lines
Sipke Ernst
I give promising mainlines for white against all black’s Sidelines to 1.d4 that are engine-proof, easy to learn and can be played almost instantly.
A practical repertoire for the positional player after 1.d4 Vol.2 - 1…Nf6
Sipke Ernst
I give promising mainlines for white against all black’s main replies to 1.d4 Nf6 that are engine-proof, easy to learn and can be played almost instantly.
I give promising mainlines for white against all black’s main replies to 1.d4 d5 that are engine-proof, easy to learn and can be played almost instantly.
In this video course we’ll have a look at the Queen’s Indian after 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 b6. We’ll explore the ins and outs of the possible White setups against this rock-solid opening.
A Supergrandmaster’s Guide to Openings Vol.2: 1.d4, 1.c4 and Sidelines
Anish Giri
This video course includes GM Anish Giri's deep insights and IM Sagar Shah's pertinent questions to the super GM. While Vol.1 dealt with 1.e4, Vol.2 has all the openings after 1.d4 as well as 1.c4 and sidelines are covered.
This video course includes GM Anish Giri's deep insights and IM Sagar Shah's pertinent questions to the super GM. In Vol.1 all the openings after 1.e4 are covered.
Neutralisiere die Anti-Sizilianer: Ein dynamisches Großfmeisterrepertoire gegen 1.e4 Band 3
Luis Engel
Dieser Fritztrainer bietet Ihnen die perfekte Ergänzung für jedes Sizilianisch- oder Najdorf-Repertoire und deckt sämtliche Nebenvarianten ab, die Weiß nach 1. e4 c5 probiert hat, um den offenen Sizilianer zu vermeiden.
Dieser Videokurs beschäftigt sich mit den verschiedenen Zugfolgen, die zu den Hauptstellungen der Philidor-Verteidigung führen, sowie mit den relevanten Abweichungen von Weiß.
<p>Plongez dans l’univers fascinant de la variante Kalashnikov de la défense sicilienne après 1.e4 c5 2.♘f3 ♞c6 3.d4 cxd4 4.♘xd4 e5.</p>
This video course deals with the different move-orders leading to the main positions of the Philidor defence, as well as White’s relevant deviations.
Uncovering the Anti-Sicilians: A dynamic grandmaster repertoire against 1.e4 Vol.3
Luis Engel
This Fritztrainer offers you the perfect addition to any Sicilian or Najdorf repertoire, and covers all the minor variations that White has tried to avoid the open Sicilian.
Dive into the fascinating world of the Sicilian Kalashnikov variation! We will uncover the secrets of this explosive opening from the very first moves: 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 e5.
In Calculation Training – Sharpen Your Game! a total of 73 examples have been selected, the vast majority containing multiple questions, and more than 160 questions of varying difficulty.
In this course, we will learn how to identify passively placed pieces in any given situation and how to improve their health by bringing them into active squares.
A Repertoire against the Queen’s Gambit Declined with 4.Bg5
Iniyan Panneerselva
This repertoire provides White with ideas against any of the Black options after the moves 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3.
Jeder greift gerne an, jeder setzt den Gegner gerne unter Druck. Doch wenn wir selbst Ziel der gegnerischen Attacken sind, fühlen wir uns unwohl, ängstlich und unsicher. Dabei können wir gerade in der Verteidigung unglaublich viele Punkte retten.
International Master Harald Schneider-Zinner shares his experience and knowledge, with the aim of strengthening your chess resistance. He demonstrates numerous methods and defensive ideas and gives lots of psychological tips.
Between 2004 and 2007 the 13th World Champion Garry Kasparov recorded a large 3-volume Najdorf video course. ChessBase is publishing this great classic in a complete edition in the current ChessBase Media format. Look forward to this classic of chess!
In this video course, I’d like to assist you with handling time management during your game. How to avoid it, and how to react when you’ve no other choice.
In this video course, GM Surya Ganguly joins IM Sagar Shah and drawing from his colossal experience, shares some uncommon endgame wisdom. The material mostly features positions with rook against rook and a pawn, and starts by covering the fundamentals.
In the present volume, he brings more positions - many from top-level Grandmaster games - to help you with (a): assessing your understanding of the concepts discussed in Volume 1 and (b): complementing that understanding
In diesem Videokurs möchte ich Ihnen helfen, mit dem Zeitmanagement während Ihrer Partie umzugehen. Wie man es vermeidet und wie man reagiert, wenn man keine andere Wahl hat.
Die großen Momente und die kleinen Anekdoten der Schachgeschichte: wer wüsste besser davon zu erzählen als Dr. Helmut Pfleger? ChessBase präsentiert in dieser „Classics-Ausgabe“ die dreiteilige Serie von Dr. Helmut Pfleger aus dem Jahr 2004 und 2012 – übe
Every player must develop the necessary classical knowledge of technical manoeuvres. With this video course I give you the essential knowledge for your own practice.
Der zweite Teil behandelt anschließend alle weiteren Züge, die Weiß schon im 6. Zug
probiert hat, allen voran dabei 6. h3, aber auch Züge wie 6. g3, 6. Tg1 und viele mehr.
Im ersten Teil der Videoreihe werden wir uns mit 6. Lg5, 6. Le3, 6. Le2 und 6. Lc4 die
vier Hauptzüge von Weiß anschauen.
„Easy to learn and easy to play.“ These are the twin pillars on which the Modern Scandinavian has been built and which club players have trusted and profited from over the past few decades. Here we focus on the sharp 3...Qd6.
Scarcely any other opening after 1. e4 enjoys such a good reputation and is so
feared by White players. We are of course, talking about the Najdorf Variation of
the Sicilian Defence!
Let Toptrainer Sokolov show you the ins and outs of middlegames. This course is about the catalan structures vs. semi-slav/triangle setups
In the first part of the video series, we will look at White’s four main moves: 6. Bg5, 6. Be3, 6. Be2 and 6. Bc4.
In this video course we deal with the French Tarrasch and the isolated Queens pawn. The aim of this Course is to arm club/tournament players with ideas which they can use in their own practice.
In this Video course we deal with the French Winawer. The aim of this course is to arm club/tournament players with middlegame ideas which they can use in their own practice.
In this video course you are making your first steps in mastering strategic concepts. Focus will be on Pawns and Rooks in this first volume.
In this video course you will learn about basic chess opening strategies, which can help you start your chess game.
Die Videos behandeln die spannende Französisch Vorstoßvariante, beginnend mit 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.e5. Neben zahlreichen Nebenvarianten liegt der Hauptfokus auf den beiden meistgespielten Systemen mit 3…c5 4.c3 Sc6 5.Sf3 Db6 und 5…Ld7.
This video course features the ins-and-outs of the possible setups Black can choose. You’ll learn the key concepts and strategies needed to add this fantastic opening to your repertoire. An easy-to-learn and yet venomous weapon.
The videos deal with the exciting French Advance Variation, starting with 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.e5. Besides numerous sidelines, the main focus is on the two most played systems with 3...c5 4.c3 Nc6 5.Nf3 Qb6 and 5...Bd7.
Maîtrisez la Variante Janowski du Gambit Dame Refusé et surprenez vos adversaires
Explorez les mystères de la puissante Variante Janowski du Gambit Dame Refusé
grâce à notre cours vidéo inédit !
Usually regarded as a separate phase of the game, the endgame bears a tight connection with the middlegame (and in some extreme cases, with the opening). The
process of simplifying to an endgame implies a series of subtleties and principles, highlighted
Normalerweise wird das Endspiel als eine separate Phase im Schach betrachtet, aber es steht in enger Verbindung mit dem Mittelspiel (und in einigen extremen Fällen mit der Eröffnung). Der Prozess der Vereinfachung in ein Endspiel impliziert eine Reihe von
Explore the mysteries of the powerful Janowski Variation of the Queen’s Gambit Declined with
this brand-new video course!
In this video course Christian Bauer explains the ins & outs of this surprise weapon so that you can add it into your repertoire.
The Leningrad Dutch Defence is a dynamic and aggressive opening choice for Black, perfect for players who want to add some adventure and spice to their repertoire.
In diesem Videokurs erklärt Christian Bauer alle Feinheiten, damiz Sie die Aljechin-Verteidigung als Überraschungswaffe in ihr Repertoire aufzunehmen können.
Master Advanced Tactics and Calculations like a Super Grandmaster
Vidit Gujrathi
The Indian chess grandmaster Vidit Gujrathi with an ELO of over 2700 (June 2023) is one of the best 20 players in the world. For the first time, the sympathetic top player presents himself in a video course. Let a world-class player show you tactical moti
In this Fritztrainer: “Attack like a Super GM” with Gukesh we touch upon all aspects of his play, with special emphasis on how you can become a better attacking player.
IM Harald Schneider-Zinner hat sechs Motivgruppen von leicht nach schwer aufbereitet, viele Beispiele aus 2022 ausgewählt und mit seinem jahrelang erprobten Trainingsmaterial verknüpft.
Neben Hinlenkung, Räumung, Figurenfang und Unterbrechung werden häufig übersehende Zwischenzüge und wunderbare Verwandlungen bearbeitet.
In 60 Übungsaufgaben fragt der Autor Sie direkt ab. Mittels Videofeedback erfahren Sie, ob Sie die richtige Entscheidung getroffen haben und warum der Zug richtig bzw. falsch ist
Großmeister Michael Prusikin zeigt auf diesem Videokurs Mittel und Wege auf, wie Vereinsspieler unterschiedlicher Spielstärke ihr Denken besser strukturieren können, um in scharfen Stellungen schneller und effizienter richtige Entscheidungen treffen zu kö
Avoiding mistakes in the opening and even learning from mistakes is a valuable tool to improve your chess. Ruslan Ponomariov, former FIDE World Champion, demonstrates basic patterns that will help you navigate through the game more easily.
Mastering these tactical motifs is essential to deepen your understanding of the game and become a better player. After all, you neither want to overlook the given chances by your opponent, nor blunder yourself!
Mastering these tactical motifs is essential to deepen your understanding of the game and become a better player. After all, you neither want to overlook the given chances by your opponent, nor blunder yourself!
Let us learn together how to find the best spot for the queen in the early middlegame, how to navigate this piece around the board, how to time the queen attack, how to decide whether to exchange it or not, and much more!
In diesem zweibändigen Videokurs präsentiert der Internationale Meister Martin Breutigam ein komplettes, fein aufeinander abgestimmtes Repertoire für Weiß auf Basis des Zuges 1.e4.
Let us explore together how the rooks should enter the game in the early middlegame, how they operate on open files and how they sometimes join a deadly attack, being transferred in front of the pawn chain and many more topics!
In diesem zweibändigen Videokurs präsentiert der Internationale Meister Martin Breutigam ein komplettes, fein aufeinander abgestimmtes Repertoire für Weiß auf Basis des Zuges 1.e4.
Der Ausgangspunkt dieses Videokurses ist 1.e4 c5 2.Sf3 Sc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Sxd4 Sf6 5.Sc3 e5. Rogozenco erklärt die Besonderheiten der Haupt- und Nebenvariante.
The topic on this video course is the so-called “hedgehog system” which is characterised by at least four black pawns on the sixth rank which we call the “spikes” of the hedgehog.
The starting point of this video course is 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 e5. Rogozenco explains the ins and outs of the mainline and sidelines.
In a total of 6 chapters, we look at the following aspects: the right decision based on tactical factors, decisions in exchanges and moves, complex and psychological decisions in longer games and in defence.
In diesem Videokurs dreht sich alles um das Thema „Entwicklungsvorsprung“: Wie entsteht ein Entwicklungsvorsprung und wie kann man ihn verwerten? Wie kann man den gegnerischen Entwicklungsvorsprung neutralisieren?
Die meisten Spieler greifen lieber an als sich zu verteidigen. Aber wie geht das richtig? GM Dr. Karsten Müller hat dazu viele Faustregeln und Motive zusammengestellt und schärft dabei auch Ihre Intuition für die Ausnahmen.
In insgesamt 6 Kapiteln untersuchen wir folgende Aspekte: die richtige Entscheidung anhand taktischer Faktoren, Entscheidungen beim Abtausch & Schlagzügen, komplexe & psychologische Entscheidungen in längeren Partien und bei der Verteidigung.
Most players prefer to attack rather than defend. But what is the correct way to do it? GM Dr Karsten Müller has compiled many rules and motifs to guide you, along with sharpening your intuition for the exceptions.
In this video course, experts (Pelletier, Marin, Müller and Reeh) examine the games of Viktor Korchnoi. Let them show you which openings Korchnoi chose to play, where his strength in middlegames were, or how he outplayed his opponents in the endgame.
In diesem Videokurs untersuchen Experten die Partien von Viktor Kortschnoi. Lassen Sie sich von ihnen zeigen, welche Eröffnungen Kortschnoi wählte, wo seine Stärken im Mittelspiel lagen oder wie er seine Gegner im Endspiel überspielte.
Korchnoi presents many of his most brilliant efforts from the years 1949-2005, among them, games against Smyslov, Geller, Tal, Huebner, Karpov, Kasparov, Spassky and Short.
Die Blockade - und die Deblockade sind wichtige Ideen, die das strategische Geschehen in einer Großzahl der Partien bestimmen. Der erfahrene Trainer IM Schneider-Zinner erklärt und interpretiert Nimzowitschs Ideen im 3.Band.
The repertoire against the Giuoco Pianissimo examined on this video course, provides Black with methods of evading this slightly one-sided pattern, yielding sound play in double-edged positions.
Understanding an opening doesn’t stop after the theory. It’s essential to understand ideas and structures connected to the opening moves. In this video course we’ll concentrate on Rossolimo and Maroczy structures in the Sicilian Defence.
We get the Slav after the moves 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6. This video course will focus on 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.Nc3 and now dxc4, but the white alternatives leading up to the mainline are also discussed in great detail.
Dieser Videokurs ist als taktischer Leitfaden für Schwarz gedacht und behandelt Themen wie die taktischen Möglichkeiten des Läufers auf c5 und des relativ eingeschränkten Springers auf c6, den Angriff am Königsflügel und den Kampf um das Zentrum.
Das Repertoire gegen das Giuoco Pianissimo, das auf diesem Videokurs untersucht wird, gibt Schwarz Methoden an die Hand, um diesem etwas einseitigen Muster zu entgehen und ein solides Spiel in zweischneidigen Stellungen zu erreichen.
This video course is intended as a tactical guide for Black, featuring themes such as the tactical abilities of the c5-bishop and the relatively restricted c6-knight, the kingside attack and the fight for the centre.
Im 4. Band der Strategieschule erläutert er anhand moderner Partien die Unterschiede zwischen Endspielen und Mittelspielen mit ungleichfarbigen Läufern und zeigt typische Muster und Übergänge.
Understanding an opening doesn’t stop after the theory. It’s essential to understand ideas and structures connected to the opening moves. In this video course, we’ll concentrate on structures in the Ruy Lopez Defence.
Now it’s time to delve into the theory that has shaped this exciting opening over the years. From reasons why once popular variations are no more to coverage of the more modern systems currently deployed by the World’s elite, this two-parter has it all!
Now it’s time to delve into the theory that has shaped this exciting opening over the years. From reasons why once popular variations are no more to coverage of the more modern systems currently deployed by the World’s elite, this two-parter has it all!
The Closed Sicilian offers White a set of easy-to-understand plans, the chance of a kingside attack and little danger of being outgunned by tactics in the opening.
In almost every chess game there comes a moment when you just can't go on without tactics. So it is vital to train tactics properly - and Master Class Tactics offers you the perfect tool for this!
In almost every chess game, there comes a moment when you just can’t go on without tactics. So, it is vital to train tactics properly - and Master Class Tactics offers you the perfect tool for this!
In nahezu jeder Schachpartie kommt ein Moment, in dem es ohne Taktik einfach nicht weitergeht. Es ist also eminent wichtig, Taktik richtig zu trainieren - und Master Class Taktik bietet Ihnen dazu das perfekte Werkzeug!
In nahezu jeder Schachpartie kommt ein Moment, in dem es ohne Taktik einfach nicht weitergeht. Es ist also eminent wichtig, Taktik richtig zu trainieren - und Master Class Taktik bietet
Ihnen dazu das perfekte Werkzeug!
Wie der Autor im Einführungsvideo erklärt, bereichert die Kenntnis der klassischen Partien aus der Vergangenheit das Schachverständnis im Allgemeinen und hilft, das Niveau der eigenen Partien zu verbessern.
It's a great idea to take Grunfeld and King’s Indian players out of their comfort-zone right from the start! Let’s go 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 first and now play 3.h4!?
As the author explains in the introductory video, knowing the classic games from the past enriches your chess understanding in general, and helps to improve the level of your own games.
Throughout this video course, we will study how to master sacrifices and the initiative in several aspects: opposite-coloured bishops, the bishop pair, the exchange sacrifice, launching an attack, and the good moment to sacrifice will be covered.
To improve in the vast terrain of initiative, there’s nothing better than training with well-chosen exercises! This interactive video course will guide you to find the winning move when the initiative is on your side.
Tout au long de ce cours, nous allons étudier comment maîtriser l’initiative et le sacrifice sous plusieurs aspects.Sujets: Les fous de couleurs opposés, la paire de fous, le sacrifice de qualité, le lancement d’une attaque et le bon moment pour sacrifier
Pour progresser dans ce vaste terrain qu’est l’initiative, rien de tel que de vous entraîner avec des exercices bien choisis!
The best way to improve at chess is to carefully study master games, stop at certain positions and think about candidate moves. Doing this on your own can be difficult and tiresome, but on this viddeo course, you will be guided by worldrenowned trainers!
Besides covering all the critical lines after 1.d4 & 2.c4, popular systems such as the Trompovsky, London/Jobava System, Torre Attack, Colle System and Veresov are dealt with as well.
This video course offers you a complete, clear repertoire for Black against the moves 1.Nf3 and 1.c4. The recommended variations are easy to learn and not difficult to remember, but also pose White serious challenges.
Dieser Videokurs ist als taktischer Leitfaden für Schwarz gedacht und zeigt die typischen Kombinationen für Strukturen in der Französischen Verteidigung.
This video course is aimed as a tactical guide for Black, featuring the most typical combinations for the French structures.
his video course is aimed as a tactical guide for Black, featuring the most typical combinations for the French structures.
Dieser Videokurs ist als taktischer Leitfaden für Schwarz gedacht und zeigt die typischen Kombinationen für Strukturen in der Französischen Verteidigung.
In this two-part course the emphasis will be on typical pawn-structures. “Open and half-open files” and “the pawn chain” will be covered extensively on this video course. <b>New: now also available as stream!</b>
In this two-volume video course former world-champion and startrainer Rustam Kasimdzhanov shows you the ins and outs of this hugely complex opening.
In this two-volume video course former world-champion and startrainer Rustam Kasimdzhanov shows you the ins and outs of this hugely complex opening.
The idea is to focus on certain themes by means of specific pawn structures. The central question is: how can the pieces be manoeuvred into good positions and what should we then consider? Themes: IQP and Passed Pawn
<b>New: now also available as stream!
Im 1.Band der Strategieschule geht es um die großen Fragen. Soll ich eine Stellung taktisch, dynamisch oder positionell behandeln? Wie beurteile ich eine Stellung und vor allem: wie finde ich einen guten Plan?
Kaum ein Moment unterscheidet einen starken Spieler von einem unerfahrenen Spieler so sehr, wie der Moment des Abtauschs. Im Schach gibt es tausende Ausnahmen von den Regeln. Trotzdem müssen wir die wichtigsten Regeln und Muster kennen.
Throughout my playing career I have found the Hedgehog one of the most difficult type of positions to master. The basic aim of this video is to improve understanding of these complex positions and to help tournament players score better.
In this video course, twenty-nine examples with multiple questions are presented in the interactive format, which is ideal for a range of playing strengths. Step by step you will be taken through the complex positions.
Studying this video course should greatly improve the viewer’s handling of dynamic pawn positions! As with all my other video courses material here is predominantly aimed at improving players and tournament players.
This video course offers you a complete Black repertoire with 1.e4 d5. Covering all the critical attempts for White to punish Black’s provocative approach, as well as all the relevant minor options on move 2 and 3 for White.
What is the Hippopotamus system of defence? The idea is that, at the beginning of the game, Black develops within his own first three ranks. He constructs a solid, flexible and hopefully stable position, awaiting events. At the right moment, he will strik
Besides in-depth theory and exciting tactical exercises in the Scotch Game, this video course also includes a bonus section on the Scotch Gambit (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Bc4), a lively variation often leading to very dynamic positions.
Das Jobava London System, benannt nach dem georgischen Spitzenspieler Baadur Jobava, ist eine Nebenform des Londoner Systems, welches sich prinzipiell in nur einem kleinen Detail unterscheidet - der weiße Springer wird frühzeitig auf c3 etabliert!
Spielstile im Schach sind ein wichtiges und entsprechend oft diskutiertes Thema. GM Dr. Karsten Müller und GM Luis Engel greifen ein auf 4 Spielertypen beruhendes Modell von GM Lars Bo Hansen auf – und zwar ‘Aktivspieler’, ‘Pragmatiker’, ‘Theoretiker’ und
The Jobava London System is a minor form of the London System. White tries to play Bf4 quickly followed by Nc3.
You are looking for an active answer to 1.d4? Then the Grünfeld Indian is an excellent choice! Not by chance this opening is one of the main weapons of some top grandmasters!
Sie suchen eine aktive Antwort auf 1.d4? Dann ist Grünfeld-Indisch eine ausgezeichnete Wahl! Nicht von ungefähr zählt diese Eröffnung zu den Hauptwaffen einiger Spitzengroßmeister: Auf diesem Band Systeme ohne cxd5!
Sie suchen eine aktive Antwort auf 1.d4? Dann ist Grünfeld-Indisch eine ausgezeichnete Wahl! Nicht von ungefähr zählt diese Eröffnung zu den Hauptwaffen einiger Spitzengroßmeister: Auf diesem Band Systeme mit cxd5!
This video-course focuses on several types of material imbalances, such as Rook vs 2 Minor Pieces, Queen vs 2 Rooks, and Queen vs Pieces.
You are looking for an active answer to 1.d4? Then the Grünfeld Indian is an excellent choice! Not by chance this opening is one of the main weapons of some top grandmasters!
IM Andrew Martin gets you ready to play the Barry in your own games. Players under 2200 will benefit the most. It turns out that after 1 d4 Nf6 2 Nf3 g6 3 Nc3!? d5 4 Bf4 Bg7, White has no less than four dangerous moves, 5 e3, 5 Qd2, 5 Nb5 and 5 h3.
The two Video-Courses offer you the chance to solve 66 exercises with multiple questions. These exercises are presented in the interactive format, which makes them accessible for players of different strengths as we will go through the thought process ste
The two Video-Courses offer you the chance to solve 66 exercises with multiple questions. These exercises are presented in the interactive format, which makes them accessible for players of different strengths as we will go through the thought process ste
The mainline from the repertoire will start with 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Nf6 3.d4 Nxd5 4.c4 Nb6 5.Nf3 g6. From there on, the repertoire will be worked out backwards till the second move options for White.
Halb-Slawisch, das Tschebanenko-System und die Dreiecksaufstellung sind solide und flexible Waffen für Schwarz. Das in diesem Video-Kurs untersuchte Repertoire begegnet ihnen allen auf provokante Art und Weise.
The Semi-Slav, Chebanenko system and the Slav triangle are solid and flexible weapons for Black. The repertoire examined on this Video-Course meets them all in a provocative way.
Smyslov pflegte einen klaren positionellen Stil und verließ sich auch in scharfen taktischen Stellungen häufig mehr auf seine Intuition als auf konkrete Variantenberechnung, wobei er es im Bedarfsfall durchaus verstand, brillant zu kombinieren.
Smyslov cultivated a clear positional style and even in sharp tactical positions often relied more on his intuition than on concrete calculation of variations. Let our authors introduce you into the world of Vasily Smyslov.
1...e5 against the English is a theoretically sound response with good chances of equality or better in all variations, and in this video series I provide a complete Black repertoire based on this move.
In 21 Videos erläutert Breutigam die Grundkenntnisse des Colle- Systems, des Colle-Zukertort-Systems sowie diverser Anti-Colle-Eröffnungen – auf dass Anziehende auch gegen Slawisch, Holländisch und andere Verteidigungen gute Antworten parat haben.
In this video-course Adrian Mikhalchishin discusses "How to study the Classics". Every chess player should have studied games of the past in order learn basics of strategy. This course is a good start!
Beat the King’s Indian and Benoni structures with the impenetrable pawn phalanx g2-f3-e4-d5. Encounter your opponent with sound and fresh ideas in this classical rebooted line of the Saemisch!
Das Damengambit (1.d4 d5 2.c4) ist die am häufigsten gespielte Variante einer Damenbauer-Eröffnung. Wann man den Bauern wieder zurückgibt und wie man den Zeitaufwand des Weißspielers am besten ausnutzen kann, erfährt man auf dieser DVD.
In this opening Black opts for active piece play and is not afraid to fight for the initiative from an early stage. One of the many good features of this opening is that Black is often the side which controls the pace of the game.
Vlastimil Hort hatte als Weltklassespieler Gelegenheit, gegen viele dieser sowjetischen Ausnahmespieler anzutreten und stellt auf dieser DVD Partien und Geschichten der Spieler der goldenen sowjetischen Generation vor.
Naturally, a universal approach using ...Nf6, ...g7-g6 and ...d7-d5 as the base would be very useful for players of all classes, saving time and energy and promising a fluid, dynamic position.
Mit nur einer Eröffnung die gewaltige Theorieflut nach 1.e4 eindämmen – dies kann die Skandinavische Verteidigung leisten! Das unorthodoxe Konzept 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Dxd5 widersteht auch in digitalen Zeiten allen Angriffen.
In the Flexible Panov Dutch IM Nico Zwirs will show you how to test Black to the limit in the Caro-Kann. 8 hours of video lessons included!
Mit der Zugfolge e6/a6 wird die Option offengelassen, d5 in einem Zug zu spielen, zudem ist der Ausfall Lb4 eine Option. Konkretes Wissen ist im Paulsen-System weniger entscheidend als die Kenntnis der taktischen und positionellen Motive.
In this video series Pert gives a strong and practical Black repertoire against the Anti-Sicilians such as the Bb5 Sicilian, the Grand Prix Attack, the Alapin and many more, from my years of experience playing the Sicilian.
Wenn es um Strategie geht, ist eines der wichtigsten Dinge, die Schachprofis viel besser verstehen als Amateurspieler, die Rolle des Läufers, welches das zentrale Thema dieses Videokurses ist.
When it comes to strategy, one of the key things that chess professionals understand much better than amateur players is the role of the bishop which is the key theme on this video course.
Fans des Grünfeld-Inders werden früh aus ihren gewohnten Bahnen geworfen, der Kampf wird auf das uns bekanntere Terrain verlegt. Die Anti-Grünfeld-Zugfolge 3.f3 gilt daher als genauer denn 3.Sc3 und wird auch von Weltmeister Magnus Carlsen regelmäßig ange
Auf dieser DVD möchte ich Ihnen einen Einblick in die Tiefen dieses strategisch sehr gesunden Systems geben, das Schwarz bereits früh sämtliche Mattfantasien am Königsflügel austreibt. Innerhalb des Komplexes Königsindisch unterteilt sich die DVD entlang
To avoid theory battles in well-known lines against Ruy Lopez (Berlin, Open Variation or the Marshall Attack), Sergey Tiviakov invites you into the world of an extraordinary early queen move for White: Qe2 – elegant, effective and easy to learn!
This DVD is a good way to refresh your repertoire as well as to start with the English and get an idea of how to play the opening without learning tons of theory. The tests included on this DVD are aimed at explaining all aspects, actively involving the v
This DVD is a good way to refresh your repertoire as well as to start with the English and get an idea of how to play the opening without learning tons of theory. The tests included on this DVD are aimed at explaining all aspects, actively involving the v
In this first part, the emphasis is on themes and ideas as the viewer is armed with tactical and positional motifs and concepts after 1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 Nf6 5 Nc3 g6.
In this Video-Course Ivan Sokolov has selected the material aiming to improve the viewer’s middlegame decision making process and broaden his/her middlegame understanding in general.
In this Video-Course we deal with different dynamic decisions involving pawns. The aim of this Course is to arm club/tournament players with fresh ideas which they can use in their own practice.
Considered a master of prophylaxis, Petrosian sensed dangers long before they actually became acute on the board. In his prime, Petrosian was almost invincible. Let our authors introduce you into the world of Tigran Petrosian.
Daniel King präsentiert 50 Teststellungen im Videoformat, die alle dem Königsgambit entstammen. Sie zeigen typische taktische Kniffe aus der Eröffnung heraus, in anderen Worten, ein großartiger Weg, die Tricks und Fallen kennenzulernen, die man dem Gegner
Daniel King presents 50 puzzle positions in video format, all arising from the King’s Gambit. They feature typical tactics from the opening, so this is a great way of becoming familiar with the tricks and traps that you can set your opponent.
Auf der vorliegenden DVD widme ich mich dem Torre-Angriff nach 1.d4 Sf6 2.Sf3 g6 3.Lg5. Im ersten Teil stelle ich die wichtigsten Varianten vor, wobei nach 3…Lg7 4.Sbd2 hauptsächlich zwischen dem Königsindisch-Aufbau (d7-d6) bzw. dem Grünfeld-Aufbau (d7-d
The Budapest Gambit is an exciting and fun way to play against 1.d4 and 2.c4 – replying with 1...Nf6 and 2...e5. In this video you will learn how to pose problems for White with this fascinating opening.
Dutch Grandmaster Roeland Pruijssers and International Master Nico Zwirs created a complete repertoire against the Sicilian that is based on the Open Sicilian and that is easy to learn.
The variations covered include (3.h4) vs Kings Indian and Grunfeld players. The Dutch, Modern and Pirc and the most critical White variations against many of Black’s other tricky 1st moves such as 1..b6, 1... b5, 1...c5, 1...e5, 1...Nc6, 1...e6 and 1...d6
Dutch Grandmaster Roeland Pruijssers and International Master Nico Zwirs created a complete repertoire against the Sicilian that is based on the Open Sicilian and that is easy to learn.
Dutch Grandmaster Roeland Pruijssers and International Master Nico Zwirs created a complete repertoire against the Sicilian that is based on the Open Sicilian and that is easy to learn.
Starting out in chess is difficult, and this DVD aims to reduce that stress. Designed for beginner levels in openings, a brief introduction to the reasons we play some of the most common moves in popular openings like the Spanish and Sicilian is given.
Glorious sacrifices, unexpected tactics and checkmating attacks. The King’s Gambit is one of the oldest and most romantic openings in the game of chess. This DVD contains all you need to know to tackle your opponent.
What’s the easiest way to win a chess game? We all know finding a good tactic in a game can let you win a point immediately. Therefore, Fundamentals of Tactics is an excellent choice for you if you wish to learn how to start finding tactics in your games!
Glorreiche Opfer, unerwartete taktische Kombinationen und Angriffe, die zum Matt führen. Das Königsgambit ist eine der ältesten und romantischsten Eröffnungen des Schachspiels. Diese DVD enthält alles, was Sie brauchen, um ihren Gegner ins Wanken zu bring
On top level it’s a rarer guest but with this DVD Rustam Kasimdzhanov will turn the tables. New ways and approaches in most lines and countless improvements of official theory will show you how to play this opening at any level with success.
The White Sniper is characterised by three moves against any black setup: 1.g3 2.Bg2 and 3.c4 though not necessarily in that order. Think of The White Sniper as a Hyper- Accelerated Sicilian Dragon against anything that Black plays.
Im Vergleich zu den Hauptvarianten ist sind bei 6.d3 konkrete Variantenkenntnis weniger entscheidend. Unabdingbar ist es hingegen, die grundlegenden Pläne und strategischen Motive zu verinnerlichen. Eben diese möchten wir Ihnen mit der vorliegenden DVD na
In this DVD, Erwin l’Ami guides you through the fascinating Benko Gambit. As early as move three Black starts a fight for the initiative, a strategy that has proved to be successful in countless amateur and master level games.
This DVD will show you dangerous new sidelines that are ideal for combatting the Sicilian after 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.Bb5+, with your author giving you the positional ideas behind less well-trodden Sicilian paths that avoid the main and winding main lines.
Diese Najdorf-DVD ist für Einsteiger wie auch erfahrene Klubspieler geeignet. Pelletier präsentiert ein klassisches Repertoire, welches einfach zu lernen ist.
This Najdorf-DVD is suited for the beginner as well as experienced club players. Pelletier presents a classical repertoire that's easy to learn and covers all you need to know about the Najdorf.
<p>L’étude et la pratique de la Najdorf enseignent plusieurs qualités essentiellles pour progresser aux échecs, notamment la lutte pour l’initiative, la défense, ou le jeu sur une couleur de cases.</p>
This DVD will show you dangerous new sidelines that are ideal for combatting the Sicilian after 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5, with your author giving you the positional ideas behind less well-trodden Sicilian paths that avoid the main and winding main lines.
Fighting against the Najdorf is always difficult, but GM Tiviakov demonstrates a very effective way to combat this popular opening. Crafty players take the fight to their opponents on their own terms, and starting with 2.Nc3 you’ll learn how to take Najdo
Pattern recognition is an important tool in modern chess, as it helps you to understand better the characteristics of a position. Particularly when you have been confronted with a surprise opening system played by your opponent, it helps when you can just
Hier werden Klassische Variante 3.Sd2/Sc3, Abtauschvariante 3.exd5 cxd5 4.Ld3 und der Panow-Angriff 3.exd5 cxd5 4.c4 behandelt.
Over the last couple of years nearly all the world’s elite grandmasters have been employing the London System, and in this video-course Simon Williams shows what we can learn from their practice. The “Ginger GM“ takes a look at all the latest developments
Over the last couple of years nearly all the world’s elite grandmasters have been employing the London System, and in this video-course Simon Williams shows what we can learn from their practice. The “Ginger GM“ takes a look at all the latest developments
On this DVD, Simon Williams shows all the complications in the London System one has to know as White, giving you the tactical tools for a successful practice – the player who knows the typical motifs has an advantage over the board.
In this video series, American super GM Fabiano Caruana, talking to IM Oliver Reeh, presents a complete repertoire for White. Contents of volume 1: The Classical Main Lines (Chigorin 9…Na5, Zaitsev 9…Bb7 and Breyer 9…Nb8), Anti-Classical (8.a4), Anti-Mars
Take the chance and get a complete world-class repertoire for White! Contents of volume 2: Modern Arkhangelsk (6…Bc5), Open Ruy Lopez (5…Nxe4), Berlin Defence (3…Nf6 and 4.Nxe4), Averbakh Variation (6…d6).