Here you find rook endings
End Game
It is all about activity
Dr. Karsten Müller
It is all about activity
End Game
Aronian-Vachier Lagrave: Aronian's Ace
Dr. Karsten Müller
11 MIN
Aronian-Vachier Lagrave: Aronian's Ace
End Game
Anand vs Carlsen: Rook endings are always drawn
Dr. Karsten Müller
Anand vs Carlsen: Rook endings are always drawn
End Game
Giri vs Salem: The rook belongs behind the passed pawn
Dr. Karsten Müller & Alexander Bangiev
Giri vs Salem: The rook belongs behind the passed pawn
End Game
Hou Yifan vs Vallejo Pons: Rook endings are always drawn
Dr. Karsten Müller
10 MIN
Hou Yifan vs Vallejo Pons: Rook endings are always drawn
End Game
Baghdasaryan vs Neiksans: When does the rook belong on a2?
Dr. Karsten Müller
Baghdasaryan vs Neiksans: When does the rook belong on a2?
End Game
Svane vs Oleksienko: Activity counts
Dr. Karsten Müller
10 MIN
Svane vs Oleksienko: Activity counts
End Game
Technique in rook endings
Dr. Karsten Müller
13 MIN
Technique in rook endings
End Game
Recent Examples
Dr. Karsten Müller
19 MIN
Recent Examples
End Game
Recent Examples
Dr. Karsten Müller
10 MIN
Recent Examples
End Game
Recent Examples
Dr. Karsten Müller
16 MIN
Recent Examples
End Game
Rook vs Pawns
Dr. Karsten Müller
18 MIN
Rook vs Pawns