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2.Nf3 d5 3.d3, 2.d4 d5 3.f3 - Fantasy Variation, 2.d4 d5 3.exd5 Exchange Variation
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To improve in the vast terrain of initiative, there’s nothing better than training with well-chosen exercises! This interactive video course will guide you to find the winning move when the initiative is on your side.
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Throughout this video course, we will study how to master sacrifices and the initiative in several aspects: opposite-coloured bishops, the bishop pair, the exchange sacrifice, launching an attack, and the good moment to sacrifice will be covered.
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This course isn’t just another addition to your chess library—it’s the definitive guide to elevate your endgame play. From fundamental principles to advanced techniques, “Practical Endgames” covers every aspect of endgame strategy.
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In the present volume, he brings more positions - many from top-level Grandmaster games - to help you with (a): assessing your understanding of the concepts discussed in Volume 1 and (b): complementing that understanding
Premium chess lectures
Coming Soon:
Merijn van Delft
The Game of the Week
Robert Ris
The fast and the furious
This week
Daniel King
Power Play Show
This week
Understanding before moving