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In this “60 mins” video course, IM Andrew Martin takes the viewer through a series of excellent games, demonstrating how pawn structures work, and the typical rules of thumb a player should know when handling these structures.
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This course isn’t just another addition to your chess library—it’s the definitive guide to elevate your endgame play. From fundamental principles to advanced techniques, “Practical Endgames” covers every aspect of endgame strategy.
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In the present volume, he brings more positions - many from top-level Grandmaster games - to help you with (a): assessing your understanding of the concepts discussed in Volume 1 and (b): complementing that understanding
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In this video course, GM Surya Ganguly joins IM Sagar Shah and drawing from his colossal experience, shares some uncommon endgame wisdom. The material mostly features positions with rook against rook and a pawn, and starts by covering the fundamentals.
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IM Harald Schneider-Zinner erklärt die wichtigsten Ideen in diesem Endspieltyp, wie „Das Prinzip der einen Diagonale“, „Die Schere“, Blockade- und Ablenkungsmotive und stellt aktuelle Partien und faszinierende Studien vor.
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Turm- und Doppelturmendspiele
Dr. Karsten Müller
12 MIN
Verteidigungstechniken im Turmendspiel + typische Motive im Doppelturmendspiel
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Das Günfeld Endspiel
Dr. Karsten Müller
Machen Sie Druck im Grünfeld-Endspiel – eine Moellpartie für Weiß: Vidit-Ragger (Prag 2020)
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